Vajrasana: A Simple Pose with Powerful Health Benefits

picture of vajrasana,Yoga is an ancient practice known for deep effects on the mind, body and soul. Between many of its postures (pose), Vajrasana stands as an unreliable yet as an incredibly beneficial currency. This seated posture, also known as Thunderbolt Pose or Diamond Pose, is one of some yoga poses, which can be practiced immediately after meals.

What is Vajrasana?

Vajrasana is a knee -leaving yoga asana in which the body remains straight while the legs bends down. The name “Vajrasana” is derived from Sanskrit words:

Vajra (per) – meaning “Thunderbolt” or “Diamond”

Asana (Asana) – meaning “pose”.

This yoga posture is asked to strengthen the body like diamonds, which is both physically and mentally. Unlike most yoga posture, which is practiced on an empty stomach, can be performed immediately after eating vajrasana, making it an excellent assistance for digestion.

Vajrasana Position: Understanding the Posture

The Vajrasana posture involves sitting on the heel with knees and legs bent while keeping the spine straight and resting on the thighs. This position promotes stability, mindfulness, and overall welfare.

Here is the breakdown of Vajrasana position:

  • The knees are folded and placed together.
  • The legs are deployed under the buttocks, in which the soles are facing upward.
  • The back remains straight, relaxed shoulders, and the hands relax on the thighs.
  • Taking a deep breath, the body remains upright and relaxed.

How to Sit in Vajrasana: Step-by-Step Guide

For beginners, it is essential to follow the correct vajrasana steps to perform the pose effectively and reap its benefits. Here’s a simple guide on how to do vajrasana step by step:

Step 1: Find a Comfortable Place

  • Choose a quiet and clean surface to practice. A yoga mat is recommended.

Step 2: Kneel Down

  • Sit on your knees, keeping your legs close together.
  • Your feet should be flat on the floor with toes pointing backward.

Step 3: Lower Your Body

  • Gently sit on your heels while keeping your back straight.
  • Ensure that the weight is evenly distributed between both legs.

Step 4: Position Your Hands

  • Place your palms on your thighs with fingers pointing forward.
  • Keep your arms relaxed but firm.

Step 5: Maintain an Upright Posture

  • Keep your spine straight, shoulders relaxed, and chin parallel to the ground.

Step 6: Breathe and Hold the Pose

  • Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths.
  • Hold the position for 5-10 minutes (or as long as comfortable).

Step 7: Release the Pose

  • Slowly return to a kneeling position and then stretch your legs forward.
  • Shake your legs gently to relax them.

vajrasana pose

Practicing this pose regularly can help improve flexibility and strengthen muscles around the knees and thighs.

Vajrasana Benefits: Why You Should Practice It Daily

Vajrasana is a deceptively simple posture that has intensive benefits. Some major vajrasna benefits include:

1. Boosts Digestion and Relieves Acidity

One of the most famous Vajrasana benefits is the ability to aid in digestion. When you sit in this position, you experience soft compression, including your digestive organs, stomach and intestines, which helps:

  • Stimulate digestion and prevent inflammation.
  • Reduce acid reflux and heartburn.
  • Improve the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Eliminates constipation by regulating intestinal movements.

Unlike other yoga, those who require an empty stomach, Vajrasna is safe to practice after meals and can significantly increase digestion.

2. Strengthens the Spine and Improves Posture

Vajrasana posture promotes spinal alignment and strengthens the lower back, which is important to maintain good currency. Regular practice helps:

  • Reduce lower back pain.
  • Strengthen the spinal column and prevent sluting.
  • Reduce stress on the neck and shoulders.
  • Improve balance and body alignment.

For those who spend longer sitting on a desk, Vajrasna can help correct poor posture and relieve stress in the back and shoulders.

3. Enhances Blood Circulation

Sitting in Vajrasana encourages better blood flow throughout the body, especially in pelvic and abdominal areas. Goes to better circulation:

  • Reduced risk of varicose veins.
  • Better oxygen supply, vigilance to the brain.
  • Healthy skin and hair due to the absorption of better nutrients.
  • Low risk of numbness or tingling in organs.
  • Increased blood flow also supports heart health and overall physical functions.

4. Helps in Weight Loss and Metabolism Regulation

Vajrasana practice regularly helps in promoting metabolism and supports weight management:

  • Increase digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Prevent fat accumulation in the abdominal area.
  • Regulating hunger and reducing tendency.
  • Activating the lower abdominal muscles, helping tone the stomach.

While Vajrasana alone cannot burn a significant number of calories, when combined with a balanced diet and other exercises, it contributes to effective weight loss.

5. Reduces Stress, Anxiety, and Promotes Mental Clarity

Vajrasna is beneficial not only for the body but also for the mind. The attention of this posture helps:

  • Calm the nervous system and reduce the level of stress.
  • Low cortisol in the body (stress hormone).
  • Increase focus, concentration and mental clarity.
  • Improve emotional stability and mindfulness.

By sitting in Vajrasana, by involving controlled breathing, one can achieve a deep position of relaxation, making it an excellent posture for meditation and mental welfare.

6. Helps Manage Diabetes by Controlling Blood Sugar Levels

Studies show that the practice of Vajrasana can be beneficial for diabetic persons. this is because:

  • It stimulates the pancreas, improves insulin production.
  • It increases digestion, prevents blood sugar spikes.
  • It improves overall metabolism, reduces insulin resistance.

For diabetic patients, Vajrasana can be a valuable addition to its lifestyle, which naturally helps managing blood sugar levels.

7. Alleviates Joint and Knee Pain (With Proper Practice)

While Vajrasana involves kneeling, it can help improve joint health when actually practiced correctly. It benefits the knees, ankles and hip joints:

  • Increase flexibility and mobility.
  • Strengthen ligaments and muscles around the joints.
  • Reducing stiffness in the lower body.

However, people with severe knee or ankle injuries should consult a yoga instructor or physiotherapist before practicing Vajrasana.

8. Supports Women’s Health and Eases Menstrual Discomfort

For women, Vajrasana provides specific benefits related to reproductive health. It helps:

  • Reduce menstrual cramps by improving pelvic blood flow.
  • Regulating hormonal balance, reducing the symptoms of PMS.
  • Strengthen pelvic muscles, beneficial for postpartum recovery.
  • Improve overall breeding organ function.

Women who experience irregular periods or discomfort during menstruation can provide relief by practicing regular vajrasana.

9. Improves Flexibility and Strengthens Lower Body Muscles

Despite being a simple currency, Vajrasana works on many muscle groups in the lower body, including:

  • The thighs and quadriseps.
  • Glutes and hip flexors.
  • Ankle and calves.

By sitting in this posture regularly, you improve flexibility, strengthen these muscles, and reduce the risk of hardness in the lower body.

10. Aids in Detoxification and Internal Cleansing

Vajrasana indirectly supports detoxification:

  • To increase digestion, promote intestinal movements, and eliminate toxins.
  • Improving kidney function and reducing water retention.
  • Stimulating the liver, helping fat metabolism and toxin break.

By keeping digestive and emission systems healthy, Vajrasana plays an important role in the body’s natural toxic process.

Supta Vajrasana Benefits: A Deeper Variation

Supta Vajrasana, or reclined Thunderbolt pose, is an advanced variation of Vajrasana. In this posture, the body reclines the backward, rests on the back, while the legs are bent in the state.

Key Benefits of Supta Vajrasana

  • The spinal cord deepens and strengthens the back.
  • Improves lung capacity and breathing efficiency.
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs, further enhances digestion.
  • Reduces the inconvenience of menstruation in women.
  • Increases overall flexibility in thighs and hips.

supta vajrasana benefits

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Vajrasana Yoga

  1. Slouching the back – Always keep your spine straight.
  2. Knees too far apart – Keep them close together for proper alignment
  3. Feet improperly placed – the soles should face upwards, touch the buttocks with the heel.
  4. Holding breath – Maintain slow, controlled breathing for maximum profit.

Precautions and Contraindications

While Vajrasna Yoga is safe for most people, avoid practicing it if you have:

  • Severe knee or ankle injuries.
  • Problems of sciatica or spinal disc.
  • Recent surgery in the feet or stomach.
  • Excessive stiffness in the legs (starting with short duration).

If you experience discomfort, use a pillow under your buttocks or practice under specialist guidance.


Vajrasana is a simple but powerful yoga asana that increases digestion, improves posture, and promotes mental well-being. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, inclusion of this pose in your routine can lead to deep health benefits. By practicing vajrasna yoga with proper alignment and mindfulness, you can use its full potential for a healthy and more balanced life. Therefore, take a few minutes each day to sit in Vajrasana and experience changes in your body and mind!

FAQs On Vajrasana: A Simple Pose with Powerful Health Benefits

1.   How to do Vajrasana?

Answer: Knee on the floor with your feet and point backwards to your feet. Sit on your heel, keeping your spine straight and hands are resting on your thighs. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and hold the position for 5–10 minutes.

2.   How to sit in vajrasana?

Answer: Start together in the knee position with your knees and align the legs under your buttocks. Sit back on your heels, make sure that your back remains straight and your hands are resting on your thighs. To stay comfortable, keep a relaxed posture while breathing deeply.

3.   How to Step Vajrasana?

Answer: Step by Step Knee knees on a yoga mat with knees and flat the feet behind you. Sit on your heel, keep your back straight and place your hands on your thighs. Close your eyes, breathe slow deep, and hold for 5–10 minutes.

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