How mental health can affect physical health? 5 ways to manage mental health.

There is a vast difference between ‘mind’ and ‘body.’ Yet, when considering mental health and physical health, the two cannot be viewed as separate. Poor mental health has adverse effects on the outcomes of a person’s life. Mental illness varies from anxiety and depression to eating disorders and schizophrenia, varying greatly in problem and severity. […]

How mental health can affect physical health? 5 ways to manage mental health. Read More »

An Untreated Migraine Now Could Mean Chronic Migraines Later

Intense, worsening headaches characterize migraine. It also shows symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, speech difficulty, numbness or tingling, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can be hereditary and affect all ages. However, women are more prone to migraine than men. Sometimes migraines are considered simple headaches and not taken care of. This will eventually

An Untreated Migraine Now Could Mean Chronic Migraines Later Read More »

Why there is lack of awareness about generic medicines in India?

There are several reasons why there may be a lack of awareness about generic medicines in India. Some of these reasons include: Marketing and advertising: Pharmaceutical companies often engage in heavy marketing and advertising for their brand-name drugs, which can lead to greater awareness and preference for these drugs over generic alternatives. Misconceptions about quality:

Why there is lack of awareness about generic medicines in India? Read More »

How Medkart’s AAA Philosophy aspires to change the medicine buying behaviour in India?

Majority of the medicine-buying experience in India is a simple unconscious trade activity of handing over the prescription, getting the medicine, and paying for it. It is not buyers, but doctors and pharma companies are responsible for such a transactional buying experience. Not many would try to read the gibberish that doctor has prescribed and

How Medkart’s AAA Philosophy aspires to change the medicine buying behaviour in India? Read More »

5 Ways to prevent computer eye strain at home | Treatment for Dry eyes

Contents Dry Eyes | Symptoms, Treatment at home Diagnosis of eye dryness at home Treatment of Dry Eyes at Home 1. Adjust your computer level and posture: 2. Use proper lighting: 3. Take mini breaks and blink more: 20-20-20 rules for eye dryness 4. Use computer glasses 5. Regular eye check up Sypmtoms of eye

5 Ways to prevent computer eye strain at home | Treatment for Dry eyes Read More »

स्वस्थ जीवन जीने में नींद और कसरत की भूमिका

एक स्वस्थ जीवन जीना आसान लगता है, लेकिन इसके लिए आवश्यक अनुशासन और प्रतिबद्धता को देखते हुए यह उतना ही कठिन है। हर किसी को जीवन में चुनौतियों का सामना करना पड़ता है, और हमें हमेशा अपने मानसिक, भावनात्मक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल करने के लिए अधिक समय की आवश्यकता होती है। लेकिन हम

स्वस्थ जीवन जीने में नींद और कसरत की भूमिका Read More »

14 Healthy foods to add in your diet to make healthy diet | Types of Diets

14 Healthy foods for healthy diet Contents 14 Healthy foods for healthy diet Types of Diet for Good Health  Paleo Diet:  Dash Diet:  Low-Fodmap Diet:  Flex Diet:  Mediterranean Diet:  The ketogenic diet:  Plant-Based Diet:  List of Healthy foods for healthy diet  Most commonly asked questions related healthy foods for healthy diet Time to time, humans

14 Healthy foods to add in your diet to make healthy diet | Types of Diets Read More »

27 Positive and Negative Morning Mantras to Follow for a Healthy Life

Contents Positive and Negative Morning Mantras to Follow for a Healthy Life 1. Start with hydrating your body: 2. Organize your place 3. Incorporate some work out/yoga 4. Spend time with nature 5. Indulge yourself in positivity 6. Schedule your day 7. Indulge in a healthy breakfast 10 Positive things to follow for healthy life

27 Positive and Negative Morning Mantras to Follow for a Healthy Life Read More »

9 Positive lifestyle changes for healthy life with example | Healthy Life

Healthy Breakfast

Positive lifestyle changes – In today’s fast life, stress is an inevitable aspect of human life. Constant busy life, junk food intake, anxiety, and sleep deprivation have become prevalent, leading to an unhealthy living or life with diseases. Even though the old customs are challenging to get rid of, a healthy lifestyle can give you

9 Positive lifestyle changes for healthy life with example | Healthy Life Read More »

जेनरिक दवाएं आपके लिए अच्छी हैं या बुरी?

विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन के अनुसार, हर साल लगभग 100 मिलियन लोग वैश्विक “विनाशकारी स्वास्थ्य व्यय” के कारण गरीबी की ओर धकेल दिए जाते हैं। कम आय वाले देशों में चिकित्सा भुगतान के कारण लोगों को वित्तीय कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ता है। गैर-जेनरिक दवाएं तुलनात्मक रूप से महंगी हैं और बड़ी संख्या में लोग उन्हें

जेनरिक दवाएं आपके लिए अच्छी हैं या बुरी? Read More »

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