Last updated on October 16th, 2024 at 03:33 pm
Avoid These 7 Foods in Monsoon
The rainy season is beautifully fun, but it is also the time that you will be sick easily. The environment in monsoon makes us more vulnerable to cold or influenza. Our digestive system works relatively slow during monsoon, and the irony is – food craving is at peak around this time. If you want to stop seeing a doctor every other week, try avoiding these seven food items at all cost. so here we have listed 7 foods to avoid during rainy monsson season.

1. Chaat
Chaat sounds very tempting, especially in the rainy season. Pleasant weather and delicious food craving attract everyone to chaat or Panipuri or Bhelpuri stores. But wait! Don’t eat all that from the outside stall as there are high chances of water contamination. In this rainy weather, water contamination is all too normal. Monsoon makes water the breeding ground of germs and bacteria, and you don’t want to get a stomach infection during rain that can lead to jaundice or diarrhoea or typhoid. Surrendering to few moments of happiness and tempt may carry you to the hospital. Thus, a big no to street Chaat or Panipuri. Chaat, Panipuri, and Bhelpuri from outside stalls are some of the foods to avoid in monsoon season due to high chances of water contamination.
2. Fried Foods
Yeah, you read it right. Fried food is one of the food things to be avoided during this rainy season, and science supports this too. The intensely humid monsoon weather slows down our digestion. However, that pakoras, samosas, and kachori may appear tempting; they can cause gastronomic problems such as stomach distress, acidity, and bloating. Even extra salty food is harmful as it causes water retention.
3. Leafy Vegetables
It may seem illogical because we have been taught the value of consuming leafy vegetables throughout our lives. During the monsoon, however, they are better avoided.Leafy vegetables are a food to avoid in the monsoon season due to their vulnerability to germs and bacteria caused by grime and humidity. Those germs are not apparent to the naked eye and cause stomach or other infections. So, say no to spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, and other green leafy vegetables this season. The intake of these vegetables makes you more likely to get sick with your stomach. Instead, go for vegetables such as bottle/bitter or little gourd, tori, Indian squash, or tinda, and so on. Make sure all vegetables are washed and cooked thoroughly.

4. Carbonated drinks
Since fizzy beverages are one of the foods to avoid in monsoon season that lower our body’s minerals, and this eventually slows down enzyme activity. In monsoon, when the digestive system is already weak, such drinks can create havoc in the stomach. Instead of drinking carbonated beverages, keep hot water or Nimbu-Pani with you. If you want to have something outside, opt for green teas, ginger tea, or other hot beverages. It will help to boost the digestive system and keep you healthy.
5. Dairy Products
Yes, dairy products, especially milk and curd. You will say, how could milk, ever refreshing and one of the richest and easiest energy sources be harmful? Unfortunately, blame it on our sub-continent monsoon, it definitely can. Damp weather could suck the whole nutrients and make dairy die faster than usual. Milk can soon go bad and maybe dangerous rather than useful. If milk is too irresistible to you then make sure to drink it warm with the pinch of turmeric.It is one of the best “food to avoid in monsoon season” to prevent stomach infections.
The same way, the curd is harmful, probably more than milk. Curd may increase the risk of cough and cold. Persons with asthma and sinuses should not eat curd during the monsoon season. Therefore, it is best to some dairy products in monsoon.
6. Outside fresh food products
Fresh fruits and fruit juice from outside should be avoided during the monsoon season as they may have been contaminated due to prolonged exposure to the air and the environment. Roadside vendors usually cut fruits well in advance, and this leads to contamination. Hence, it is advisable to avoid any fresh fruits or fruit juice from outside during the monsoon season. Instead, try to consume homemade fresh fruit products immediately after cutting. It is important not to leave cut fruits for too long at home as any prolonged air exposure can also cause contamination. Therefore, it is recommended to cut and consume fresh fruits immediately to avoid any infections during the monsoon season.
7. Sea foods
Monsoon is the season in which sea creatures and fish breed. This increases the chances of waterborne diseases and food poisoning, and ethically, it is better not to consume animals during their breeding time. Therefore, in monsoon, it is advisable to avoid infection-carrying seafood and meat products. It is also a good idea to avoid meat from street vendors, as the meat may not have been stored or cooked properly, leading to food poisoning. So, if you must eat non-vegetarian food during the monsoon, it is better to prepare it at home with proper hygiene and safety measures.
14 foods to add in your diet to make healthy diet
Wrapping up
The most tempting food, particularly in the rainy season, is often the worst. Craving for different foods is at the peak, but one should not forget that along with food cravings, monsoon brings infections too. So, to keep oneself healthy, should not eat heavy meals, too much dairy products, leafy vegetables, fried and outside foods. Instead, opt for hot beverages, lukewarm water, homemade food, and food with spices.
Frequently Asked Questions related to foods to avoid during monsoons
1) what type of food should we take in monsoon?
During monsoon, it is advisable to consume hot and freshly cooked food that is easy to digest. Avoid raw and street foods. Opt for foods with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, and pepper. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables for their immune-boosting properties. Stay hydrated with warm beverages like herbal teas and soups. Ensure that you thoroughly wash and cook all your food items to prevent contamination.
2) best healthy food to eat in rainy season
In the rainy season, it’s essential to consume healthy and nutritious food that boosts immunity and digestion. Include warm and nourishing foods like soups, stews, and herbal teas in your diet. Incorporate fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, bell peppers, and broccoli, to strengthen your immune system. Consume probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and fermented foods to maintain gut health. Stay hydrated with warm water, herbal teas, and coconut water. Avoid oily and fried foods and opt for light and easy-to-digest meals.
3) what vegetables we can eat in rainy season?
In India, there are several vegetables that are ideal to consume during the rainy season. These include bitter gourd (karela), bottle gourd (lauki), ridge gourd (tori), okra (bhindi), pumpkin (kaddu), spinach (palak), cauliflower (gobi), carrots (gajar), and green beans (fansi). Other vegetables like mushrooms (khumbh) and corn (makai) are also great options. Make sure to clean and cook them thoroughly to prevent any bacterial or fungal infections.