Increasing Trend of Heart Attacks Among Youngsters


Myocardial infarction is another name for a heart attack. The major reason for heart attack is the lack of sufficient blood flow to the heart. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the leading causes of a heart attack. This usually occurs when a coronary artery closes suddenly due to blockage or has a severe spasm. As a result, the heart muscle doesn’t receive enough oxygen and nutrients. A weakened heart may lead to a fall in blood pressure, which can further compromise the flow of blood to the heart. If blood flow to the heart is not restored for a long time, the heart muscles suffer further damage.

Risk of heart attack by age

Women over the age of 55 and men over the age of 45 have a risk of suffering a heart attack. Those under the age of 40 may also suffer a heart attack. The reasons for heart attack at such a young age include smoking, following an unhealthy lifestyle, having excess body fat, and suffering from long-term conditions, like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Signs and symptoms of a potential heart attack

Heart attacks often occur suddenly and without any prior symptoms. The following is a list of symptoms that may indicate a heart attack

• Pain in the left side or middle of the chest that may radiate to jaws, arms, or back.

• Breathing difficulty.

• Weakness, lightheadedness, or fainting.

• Nausea and vomiting

• Sweating

• Discomfort or pain in one or both arms or shoulders.

Risk factors for heart attack at a young age

The following are some of the factors that increase the risk of heart attacks in youngsters.

1. Hypertension or high blood pressure causes heart attacks as it damages your blood vessels and heart muscles over time. Unfortunately, the number of hypertension cases in young adults is on the rise owing to unhealthy food habits and sedentary lifestyles.

2. Being overweight or obese is a major cause of heart attacks. Carrying extra weight puts stress on your heart because it has to work harder. Even if you are healthy in other ways, if your body mass index (BMI) is high, you are more likely to have a heart attack.

3. One of the main reasons for heart attacks in young-age people is smoking. There is a direct link between smoking and an increased risk of heart attacks and other diseases. Smoking makes you more than twice as likely to have a heart attack

4. Abuse of drugs or alcohol is harmful to your cardiovascular system. Researchers are trying to pin down how marijuana affects the cardiovascular system. However, they do know that it elevates the heart rate and increases the possibility of a heart attack. Cocaine also has damaging effects on the heart. It causes heart attacks because it increases your heart rate, constricts your blood vessels, and elevates your blood pressure.


If you identify yourself with any of the risk factors mentioned above, do not worry. It is never too late to change. You can start making changes in your diet, habit, and lifestyle.

Try to remain active, exercise moderately, eat heart-healthy foods, and quit drinking and smoking. If you are suffering from any chronic health issues, take your medicines on time and consult your doctor regularly. If you or your loved ones have any of the symptoms of a heart attack seek emergency medical help immediately.

Order your medicines online from Medkart,India’s most trusted generic medical store that offers low prices on top-notch generic drugs.


1. Can heart attacks occur in your 20s?

Though heart attack is common in people above the age of 40, nowadays at least 1 in 5 heart attacks occurs in people in their 20s and early 30s.

2. What is the biggest contributor to the rise of heart attack cases at a young age?

Many research studies have linked unhealthy lifestyles and poor diets followed over the past few years to be directly related to the increase in the number of heart attacks in young people.

3. Can I reduce my risk of a heart attack?

Yes, even if you are at a high risk of heart attack, you can reduce your risk by following a healthy and active lifestyle, a heart-healthy diet, and good habits. 

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