Last updated on September 27th, 2024 at 06:12 pm

About Cholesterol

Like blood pressure and diabetes, cholesterol has also taken place in human life. Every third or fourth, people today suffer from high cholesterol levels. There are many myths about cholesterol, such as cholesterol is related to obese people; it is a disease; the human body does not need cholesterol, and so on. However, these are all false statements. Cholesterol is not a disease; it’s s level of cholesterol which plays a role in our health. Also, it can be present in anyone irrespective of body fat or age.

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What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance which presents in every cell of the body. So that means everyone has cholesterol in her body. Yes, it is present in every human body. Everyone needs cholesterol for body functions.

Let’s discuss how it is essential and types of it that affects the body.

How Cholesterol Affects the Body

1. Production and importance of cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance produces by the liver and cells of humans. We do not need to take it from outside like minerals and vitamins. So it is present in every human body in specific amounts. This is the necessity of our body, as many important functions are done with the help of cholesterol.

  • It is essential in vitamin D formation.
  • It helps in cell membrane structure development.
  • Hormone productions such as estrogen, testosterone, and adrenal hormones.
  • For metabolism by producing bile acids.Our body has a transport system for cholesterol movement in blood, which is known as LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and HDL (High-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Both have different functions, and the level of these substances in the body creates problems. When we eat fatty food, the liver processes cholesterol and fat together and transports into bloodstreams. Excess of this causes high levels of cholesterol n the body.We know that the two types of cholesterol are there- a good one and a bad one. But why they are essential and what is the optimal level of these types in the body is essential to know.

2. About good Cholesterol

HDL is called good cholesterol because it helps to remove excess fat, including bad cholesterol from arteries. It clears the arteries, brings back fats to the liver. After that, these fats excreted out of the body. So this way, HDL helps to maintain cholesterol levels in our body and decrease the risk of heart diseases.

Everyone has to maintain a minimum 40mg/dl level in the body as below this level, chances of heart disease increased. When you have less HDL, the body will not be able to eliminate the bad cholesterol, and ultimately, deposition of bad cholesterol will take place, which can be life-threatening. Optimal level is 60mg/dl. At this level, it is known as a heart protector. After 40 mg/dl to 60 mg/dl, every 10 point increase reduces the risk of stock by half. . However, more than 90mg/dl consider bad. Anything in excess is harmful though it is good. Excessive HDL can also cause heart issues as after a certain level higher amount won’t work as efficiently.

It acts as extra cholesterol. So the maintenance of a good cholesterol level is necessary for a healthy heart.

Moderate exercise can boost HDL levels.

Eat green leafy vegetables and fruits, and avoid unhealthy fats.
Reduce the amount of alcohol, and zero smoking can raise good cholesterol.
Lastly, if you are overweight, then try to lose extra pounds as it will be beneficial in many ways.

3. Important things about bad cholesterol

LDL is a bad cholesterol as it functions oppositely. It carries cholesterol to the cells and arteries. So LDL causes cholesterol deposition on artery walls. An excessive amount of LDL is dangerous for the body as it increases the risk of heart failure.

One has to maintain a low LDL level. Failure to do so can risk the life of one. LDL less than 100 mg/dl is excellent. However, between 100 to 129 mg/dl also considered good. But when you see a report with LDL level between 130 mg/dl-159 mg/dl, then it’s an alarming sign that one has to take care now; otherwise, chances of cardiac attack will increase. A level above 190 mg/dl is too dangerous. Risk factors that elevates LDL levels:

  • Existing medical conditions like diabetes, liver issues, heart problems, so on.
  • High intake of red meat, sugar, processed foods, transfats, full-fat dairy products.
  • Obesity and lack of physical activity
  • Excessive smoking can also aggravate the condition.
  • Menopauses can even one of the risk factors.

One should maintain HDL and LDL ratio by eliminating risk factors and incorporating a healthy lifestyle. Because when an excessive amount of LDL present in the body (more than work efficiency of good cholesterol) in other words when there are high LDL and low HDL present in the blood, bad cholesterol will accumulate in the form of plaque on artery walls. As a result, this plaque accumulation will obstruct blood flow to the brain, heart, and peripheral organs (hand and legs). This will increase the risk of stroke cardiac attack and the numbness of specific body organs.

Sometimes this plaque disintegrates from the wall and in the form of clot moves in blood and creates conditions like heart failure or brain damage.

Also Read:-

What is good cholesterol? | HDL cholesterol range for Male and Female

The Differences Between Good and Bad Cholesterol | HDL vs LDL

What foods should you avoid and consume to stay away from cholesterol at a young age?

Conclusion : 

This is how cholesterol works in our body, and one should keep these important things about cholesterol levels in mind. Such awareness will not only help you to keep yourself healthy but also provide you knowledge that can help your loved one too. One should incorporate healthy food and physical activities in daily life to avoid any health problems.

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