Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Thyroid

Last updated on November 25th, 2024 at 05:19 pm


Are you looking for ways to prevent having thyroid problems? Listed here are important tips that help reduce your thyroid risk. Thyroid disease is commonly found worldwide as well as in the Indian population. Hence, it becomes necessary to take preventive steps to avoid the disease and other health issues like heart problems that follow it.

Tips to reduce the risk of thyroid problems

Avoid smoking

Smoking gives you exposure to toxins that cause harm to your body. The formation of thyroid hormone is blocked by a toxin called thiocyanate, present in cigarettes. It can increase the levels of thyroxine (a type of thyroid hormone) and reduce the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Looking at these effects of smoking it is important to stop it to reduce the risk of thyroid disorders.

Diet changes

The diet you consume plays an important role in the prevention of thyroid disorders. Make sure you consume a healthy diet that includes:

• Iodine-rich foods like iodised salt, eggs, nuts, and seafood.

• Foods that are rich in selenium like eggs, nuts etc.

• Foods like whole grains, pulses, dairy products, seeds etc.

Reduce the intake of-

• Soy as it causes thyroid issues and it also inhibits the absorption of levothyroxine, a thyroid medicine.

• Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, etc. as they disturb the synthesis of thyroid hormone in your body. These vegetables should not be eaten raw, but if they are cooked they can be consumed.

• Processed or packed foods for they can set off auto-immune problems.

• Gluten if you are suffering from Celiac disease in which your body reacts to gluten and damages your small intestine.

Carefully consuming the right diet can reduce the risk of thyroid problems and promote overall good health.

Take care when getting X-rays

To prevent your neck from getting exposed to x-rays, ask for a thyroid collar from your radiologist especially when you are having dental, spine, chest, neck or head X-rays.

Do check for thyroid symptoms at regular intervals

It is a simple test you can perform at home to check for any lumps in the lower neck part where your thyroid gland is present. Below are the steps:

• Stand in front of a mirror.

• Focus on the area between your voice box and collarbones.

• Take a sip of water.

• While you swallow look for any lumps in the area.

• Repeat this multiple times to confirm.

• If you find any lumps contact your physician for further diagnosis.

It’s an easy and important tip to reduce thyroid risk and its early diagnosis.

Regular check-ups with your physician

The signs of thyroid problems usually show when the disease has progressed. Thus, it becomes necessary to have regular health check-ups with your doctor to diagnose the disease early and manage it timely.


Supplements like selenium, zinc, and potassium iodide help prevent thyroid complications. Selenium plays an important part in the healthy functioning of your thyroid gland. Zinc and potassium iodide are also necessary for proper thyroid function. Take these supplements if asked by your physician.

To sum up

The proper functioning of your thyroid gland is important for your overall health. There are multiple ways to make sure you are free of thyroid symptoms and complications. The tips for reducing the thyroid disorder risks discussed here help you to stay thyroid healthy. Ensure to have a healthy diet, quit smoking, get regular checkups, ask for a thyroid collar and take prescribed supplements. If you need to order your supplements, visit Medkart’s website.


1. What are goitrogens?

Goitrogens are substances that affect normal thyroid functioning. They inhibit the production of thyroid hormones and cause swelling of the thyroid gland, which is called ‘goitre’. They include cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale etc. You cannot eat them raw, but if they are cooked they can be eaten.

2. Can you easily identify thyroid symptoms?

Thyroid disorders usually show symptoms that could be confused with other health problems like irregular heartbeat, anxiety, sweating, increased heat sensitivity, fatigue, sleep issues, etc. Hence, only symptoms of thyroid problems cannot easily help in its diagnosis.

3. What are some tips to follow to reduce thyroid risk?

One cannot ensure that they will never have thyroid problems. However, a few important tips can help you reduce the risk of having thyroid issues. You should:

• Stop smoking.

• Have a healthy diet that includes iodine, zinc and selenium.

• Avoid foods like soy, cruciferous vegetables, and processed and packaged foods.

• Ask for a thyroid collar when getting an X-ray.

• Get regular check-ups with your doctor.

• Do Thyroid Neck Tests at home at regular intervals.

• Take prescribed supplements.

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