How parenting affects child development? 7 ways to improve parenting skills

Last updated on September 27th, 2024 at 06:05 pm

How parenting affects child development?

The bond between child and parent has a significant influence on most aspects of child growth. Although many factors affect the development of a child, parents play a vital role in child development. Experts are saying it is essential to ensure your parenting style encourages healthy growth and development as you have a lifetime effect on the way you communicate with your child and discipline. Parental capacity and behaviour have a positive impact on child self-esteem, school achievement, cognitive growth, and attitude.

Parents’ disrespectful behaviour, such as physical violence, screaming, violent threats, or child abuse can badly hamper a child’s growth. The research found that harsh parenting will make kids inclined to their peers in contrast with their parents. The children’s mentality later culminated in excessive aggressive behaviour, which forced them to rob, commit minor crimes, and recurrent sexual inclination. This adds to the children’s psychological instability, which is why they are diverted from education and then pushed into violence.

So, it is just simple logic, positive parenting leads to proper development, and negative one leads to evil. No parents want that their kids become evil or unsuccessful. So, how to improve parenting skills to make children a good human.

7 ways to improve parenting skills

1.    Boost self-confidence of your kid

Children begin to develop their self-esteem as infants by looking through their parents’ eyes: your voice tone, body language, and any word your children will absorb. Your words and behaviour as a parent, more than anything else, impact their self-esteem. Whichever small successes they accomplish, make them feel proud; encouraging children to do things independently will make them feel confident and strong. In contrast, misrepresentations or negative associations between a child and another may make children feel insignificant. Choose the terms carefully. Words such as “What a dumb thing to do!” or “You do more like a kid than a little brother!” hurt the same way that physical blows do. Make your children understand that everyone makes mistakes, and even though you don’t like their actions, you still love them.

Be a good role model

Kids, especially young ones, learn a lot from watching their parents. The younger they are, the more they imitate. Only think about it before you burst out or blow your top in front of your kids. You don’t want your kids to behave like this when they are angry. Be mindful that your children are always watching you. Studies have shown that children who typically hit others must have seen home violence. Model the qualities that you want to see in your children: empathy, friendliness, fairness, kindness, and tolerance.

  • Show unselfish behaviour.
  • Do things without seeking a reward for anything.
  • Show gratitude and congratulations.

Above all, treat your children the way you want to be treated by others. When you have an attitude that you don’t want your child to imitate, then that is a sign that you can change how you respond in such circumstances. It is hard to achieve perfection; however, you can teach them hard work, integrity, and love by becoming a good role model.

Control your emotions

Your children might be afraid of you if you lose your control quickly. Do not get angry on small things; otherwise, your kids will not share thoughts with you and, eventually, suffer from mental issues such as depression, personality disorders and so on. If you lose control and yell or disagree with others, it reveals how people respond when things get rough. Instead, show good parental skills by demonstrating how you can keep yourself calm and solve problems patiently. Tell them all about emotional intelligence. When you lose your coolness, apologize, and teach them how to correct mistakes.

Do not slap

No doubt, slapping or hitting will offer short-term obedience. This approach, however, does not teach the child correctly. Instead, this motivates the child to stop being captured or tell a lie to avoid punishment. Children who are scattered, smacked or hit, more likely to clash with other people. They are more likely to become bullies to settle conflicts through verbal/physical violence. These will also contribute later in life to delinquency and antisocial behaviour, poor parent-child relations, mental health problems, and victims of domestic violence or abusers. Therefore, do not hit or slap your kid frequently.

Listen and communicate actively

Communication and careful listening are the best skills parents can have for their children’s development. When you give freedom of open communication, you will develop a stronger relationship with your child, and when a problem occurs, your child will come to you. Talk to your child and listen carefully to them. Give them your full attention and make good eye contact. When they know they’re being heard, they will feel love and care. This will ultimately boost confidence in them.

Practice positive discipline

It seems impossible to stay optimistic when it comes to discipline. Yet positive training can be applied, and punitive measures can be avoided. To be a good parent means showing your child what is right and wrong. The secret to good discipline is to set boundaries and be consistent. Be respectful and firm when applying these rules. Concentrate on the reason behind the behaviour of the child. A positive disciplinary approach will work best and provide a path of success for the future.

Show love to them

Show your kids love, real love. Many parents think excessive love can spoil children, but there is no word like extreme love exist. Usually, in the name of love, parents give over protection, extremely supportive and pampering behaviour, materialistic indulgence, feeding every demand, and so on. No! This is not loving. Loving kids should be giving them attention, giving hugs, proper care, showing concern towards their small things, spending time with them, and listening to them every day. Such real love can cause the release of hormones in children and provide a sense of calm, good self-esteem, emotional warmth, and satisfaction.

Wrapping up

No one is a perfect parent, which means, everyone has room for improvement. Observe your child and parenting methods and see how you can improve to become the best parent. Do not copy. Every kid is different, and so the parents. So, observe, implement, and give real love to them.

Happy parenting!!

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