Constipation Treatment: Home Remedies of Constipation

Constipation treatment encompasses a range of strategies and remedies aimed at relieving the discomfort and inconvenience associated with this common gastrointestinal issue. When bowel movements become infrequent or difficult, it can lead to various health concerns and discomfort.

Constipation stands as a prevalent gastrointestinal issue, impacting individuals across all age groups. While occasional constipation is normal, chronic or severe cases can lead to discomfort and health complications. Fortunately, various treatments and lifestyle changes can help alleviate and prevent constipation.

Constipation Treatment

The Treatment of Constipation is as follows:

  1. Dietary Modifications:

Increase Fiber Intake: Embracing a diet abundant in fibre is a surefire way to encourage consistent bowel movements. Opt for nourishing choices like whole grains, fruits, veggies, and legumes, as they stand as superb sources of dietary fibre.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential to maintain healthy bowel function. Dehydration can lead to dry stools, making them harder to pass.

  1. Over-the-counter (OTC) Medications:

Fibre Supplements: If you’re not getting enough fibre from your diet, consider taking OTC fibre supplements like psyllium husk or methylcellulose.

Stool Softeners: These medications help soften the stool, making it easier to pass. They are often recommended for short-term use.

Laxatives: Laxatives should only be used as a last resort, and it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before using them regularly. There are various types of laxatives, including osmotic, stimulant, and lubricant laxatives.

  1. Prescription Medications:

In some cases, when lifestyle changes and OTC treatments do not provide relief, a doctor may prescribe medication to address the underlying causes of chronic constipation. These may include medications that increase intestinal motility or draw water into the intestines.

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  1. Biofeedback Therapy:

Biofeedback therapy involves using sensors to monitor muscle activity in the rectum. This information can help individuals learn how to better coordinate their muscles during bowel movements, potentially improving their ability to pass stools.

  1. Surgery:

Surgery for constipation is typically considered a last resort and is reserved for severe cases that do not respond to other treatments. Surgical options may include removing a portion of the colon or rectum.

Constipation Treatment

Constipation Oil Treatment

Constipation oil treatment, often referred to as “constipation oils” or “laxative oils,” involves the use of certain oils to relieve constipation and promote bowel movements. It involves the use of specific oils to alleviate constipation symptoms and promote smoother bowel movements.

Olive oil is a common choice due to its lubricating properties. Consuming one to two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil on an empty stomach can help soften stool and aid its passage through the intestines. Castor oil, while effective, should be used cautiously and under medical guidance, as it has potent laxative effects. It stimulates intestinal contractions, facilitating bowel movements. Mineral oil is another option, acting as a stool softener by lubricating the intestines.

Coconut oil, rich in medium-chain fatty acids, can also help soften stool and support regular bowel habits when consumed moderately. Essential oils like peppermint oil may provide relief when diluted and massaged onto the abdomen. However, it’s essential to use constipation oils judiciously and seek medical advice, especially for chronic constipation, as over-reliance on laxatives can lead to dependency and should not replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle for long-term digestive health.

Home Remedies To Constipation

Home remedies to constipation offer practical and natural ways to alleviate this common digestive issue without the need for medications. Here are effective home remedies for constipation:

  • Dietary Fiber: Increase your fibre intake by including whole grains, fruits (like prunes and apples), vegetables, and legumes in your diet. Fibre adds bulk to stool and promotes regular bowel movements.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Proper hydration softens stool, making it easier to pass.
  • Prunes: Prunes are a natural laxative due to their fibre and sorbitol content. Eat a few prunes or drink prune juice to relieve constipation.
  • Olive Oil: Consume one to two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning to lubricate the intestines and aid bowel movements.
  • Lemon Water: Start your day with warm lemon water to stimulate digestion and act as a gentle laxative.
  • Yoghurt and Probiotics: Incorporate yoghurt with active cultures or take probiotic supplements to maintain a healthy gut and regular bowel habits.
  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity helps stimulate intestinal muscles, facilitating the movement of stool through the digestive tract.
  • Warm Bath or Heating Pad: Apply heat to your abdomen through a warm bath or heating pad to relax muscles and alleviate discomfort associated with constipation.
  • Establish a Routine: Try to have a consistent schedule for bowel movements, as regularity can help train your body for predictable bowel habits.


Preventing constipation is often the best approach. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper hydration can go a long way in promoting regular bowel movements and overall digestive health.

It’s essential to consult a healthcare provider if you experience chronic or severe constipation, especially if it’s accompanied by symptoms such as blood in the stool, unexplained weight loss, or severe abdominal pain, as these could be signs of a more serious underlying condition.

Read: What are Generic Medicines?

Definition of Generic Medicine

Generic medicine refers to a pharmaceutical product that is bioequivalent to a brand-name or reference medication. These drugs contain the same active ingredients, have the same dosage form and strength, and are administered in the same way as the original branded drug.

Generic medicines offer a cost-effective alternative, as they typically come to market after the patent protection for the brand-name drug expires, making them more affordable for consumers while maintaining equivalent therapeutic effects.

FAQs on Constipation Treatment

Q1. What is constipation treatment?

Constipation treatment involves lifestyle modifications like increasing dietary fibre and fluid intake, along with regular exercise to promote healthy bowel movements. Over-the-counter medications, such as stool softeners or laxatives, may be used for short-term relief, but their prolonged use should be supervised by a healthcare professional.

Q2. What dietary changes can help alleviate constipation?

Increasing fibre intake by consuming more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can promote regular bowel movements and relieve constipation.

Q3. Is it safe to use over-the-counter laxatives for constipation?

OTC laxatives are generally safe for short-term use, but it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional before prolonged or frequent use to avoid dependency.

Q4. Can exercise help with constipation?

Yes, regular physical activity stimulates intestinal muscles, facilitating the passage of stool through the digestive tract and helping to alleviate constipation.

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