Last updated on November 25th, 2024 at 02:50 pm
Understanding Childhood Obesity
The most difficult public health problem of the twenty-first century is childhood obesity. It is now recognized as a global pandemic health issue. Obese kids are more likely to remain obese as adults and are at risk for chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart issues at a younger age. Fatness in children is linked to higher mortality and morbidity rates. The current circumstance places a great premium on preventing childhood obesity.

Obese children are those whose body mass index (BMI) is the same as or higher than 95% of their peers. Your “weight status” can be determined using the BMI tool. Unfortunately, childhood obesity can lead to poor health that lasts throughout adulthood.
By 2030, India is expected to have a prevalence of roughly 10.81% among children ages 5-9 from being overweight and approximately 6.23% among adolescents ages 10-19. Causes of child obesity in India include lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, and genetic factors.
Obesity is a common chronic ailment among children resulting from poor nutrition and physical inactivity. To counter this problem, children should be encouraged to engage in physical activity, and parents should provide nutritious food to their children.
Causes of obesity in children
Family history, psychological issues, and lifestyle choices influence childhood obesity. Children are more prone to adopt an unhealthy lifestyle if their parents or other family members do. However, an unhealthy combination of eating too much and not moving enough is the primary contributor to childhood obesity.
Convenience meals like canned pasta, salty snacks, and freezer entrees can also cause unhealthful weight gain. Because their parents cannot choose or cook healthy foods, some kids grow up obese. Other families could find it difficult to afford fresh meats, veggies, and fruits.
Another factor contributing to childhood obesity may be insufficient physical activity. People who are less physically active frequently acquire weight, regardless of age.
Psychological problems may also cause some children’s obesity. To deal with their bad feelings, bored, worried, or unhappy children and adolescents may eat more.
The implication of child obesity
1) Type 2 diabetes
When you have type 2 diabetes in children, your body will not efficiently process glucose. Diabetes can cause renal malfunction, nerve damage, and eye illness. Type 2 diabetes is more likely to occur in overweight children and adults. The illness might be treated by altering one’s food and way of living.
2) Heart disease
Obese kids are more likely to develop heart disease in the future due to excessive cholesterol and blood pressure. Foods heavy in fat and salt can raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels. There are two potential side effects of cardiac disease, including heart attack and stroke.
3) Joint pain
As a result of being overweight, your child may also develop joint stiffness, pain, and a restricted range of motion. Many times, joint issues can be resolved by decreasing weight.
4) High blood pressure
Your child may develop one or both of these illnesses due to a bad diet. These substances may lead to plaque formation in the arteries, which can restrict and harden the arteries later in life, possibly resulting in a heart attack or stroke.
5) Sleep disorder
Obese kids and adolescents are more likely to experience sleep disorders such as excessive snoring and sleep apnea. The airways in their necks may become blocked by extra weight.
Lifestyle changes that can limit obesity in children | Treatment
1) Physical activity
Physical activity will help your kid to strengthen bones and muscles. It will also enhance their mood. Experts advise children to engage in 100 to 200 minutes of moderately strenuous physical activity each week.
2) Healthy food
Give your child whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and lean proteins, as a priority. Place a strong emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetables. Reduce your intake of prepared meals, cookies, crackers, fast food, and other processed and convenience items that can be heavy in calories, sugar, and fat.
3) Quality sleep
Lack of sleep can cause weight gain by raising ghrelin levels, the hormone that controls appetite. Lack of sleep might also prevent your child from exercising during the day and increase their desire for sweet meals, which provide fast energy.
4) Limit screen time
It might be challenging to maintain a healthy weight when you’re sedentary and playing video and computer games, watching TV, texting, and scrolling through social media. The WHO advises that children under two should not have screen time, and children older than two should have no more than two hours per day.
5) Restrict sweetened beverages
Fruit juice and sodas can fill up your child and make it difficult for them to eat the foods that will keep them healthy and content in between meals because they are rich in calories, low in nutrients, and filling. Offer your kid a healthy diet full of vitamins and vital nutrients.
Wrapping up
Though there is no definitive answer to the challenge of childhood obesity, supplements can help reduce the risk and severity of the condition. While supplements may not be the complete answer to the problem, they can help to reduce the intake of unhealthy foods and promote better nutrition.
However, it is important to remember that a balanced diet and regular exercise are essential to maintaining a healthy weight.
Additionally, parents should always consult a doctor before introducing any new supplement to their child’s diet. With an understanding of the potential benefits and risks associated with using dietary supplements, parents can make informed decisions and actively promote their child’s health.
For supplements, you can visit any Medkart stores pan India, and download iOS or android app to order from mobile. Also, you can order generic supplements for children online from