Generic Medicine

Generic Medicine: Benefits, Facts about Generic Drugs

Generic medicine has become a popular topic of discussion in recent years, with many people curious about its benefits and how it differs from branded medicine. As a healthcare professional, I have encountered numerous misconceptions and myths surrounding generic medicine. What is Generic Medicine? Generic medicine represents a fundamental component of modern healthcare systems worldwide. […]

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Generic Product Development Process – Phases and Stages

In medicine, the generic product development process follows a meticulous journey from ideation to market introduction. The initial stages involve identifying healthcare needs and conducting feasibility analyses to ensure both efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Collaborative efforts between medical experts, researchers, and pharmaceutical developers lead to the design and prototyping of medications. Rigorous testing for safety and

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जेनरिक और ब्रांडेड दवा के बीच अंतर: Difference Between Generic and Branded Medicine in Hindi

Difference Between Generic and Branded Medicine in Hindi

जेनरिक और ब्रांडेड दवा का अंतर: फार्मास्यूटिकल्स की दुनिया में, दवाओं की दो अलग-अलग काटेगोरिएस स्वास्थ्य देखभाल के परिदृश्य को आकार देती हैं: जेनरिक और ब्रांडेड दवाएं। मगर उन दोनों का लक्ष्य मरीजों को प्रभावी उपचार और राहत प्रदान करना है, लेकिन उनकी संरचना, विकास, मूल्य निर्धारण और बाजार में उपस्थिति के मामले में वे

जेनरिक और ब्रांडेड दवा के बीच अंतर: Difference Between Generic and Branded Medicine in Hindi Read More »

જેનરિક દવાઓ છે સલામત બ્રાન્ડ નેમ ડ્રગ્સ તરીકે?

જેનરિક દવાઓ એ ફાર્માસ્યુટિકલ પ્રોડક્ટ્સ છે જે લગભગ બ્રાન્ડ-નામ દવાઓ જેવી જ હોય છે. તેમના સક્રિય ઘટકો, ડોઝ ફોર્મ, તાકાત, વહીવટનો માર્ગ અને હેતુપૂર્વક ઉપયોગની દ્રષ્ટિએ. તેઓ સમાન રોગનિવારક અસરો અને સલામતી પ્રોફાઇલ જાળવી રાખીને વધુ ખર્ચાળ બ્રાન્ડ-નામ દવાઓનો ખર્ચ-અસરકારક વિકલ્પ પ્રદાન કરે છે. જેનરિક દવાઓ પાછળનો ખ્યાલ ગુણવત્તા અથવા અસરકારકતા સાથે સમાધાન કર્યા વિના

જેનરિક દવાઓ છે સલામત બ્રાન્ડ નેમ ડ્રગ્સ તરીકે? Read More »

क्या जेनरिक दवाएं ब्रांड नाम वाली दवाओं जितनी ही सुरक्षित हैं?

जेनरिक दवाएं फार्मास्युटिकल उत्पाद हैं जिन्हें ब्रांड नाम वाली दवाओं के लगभग समान बनाया गया है उनके सक्रिय अवयवों, खुराक के रूप, ताकत, प्रशासन के मार्ग और इच्छित उपयोग के संदर्भ में। वे समान चिकित्सीय प्रभाव और सुरक्षा प्रोफ़ाइल को बनाए रखते हुए अधिक महंगी ब्रांड-नाम दवाओं के लिए एक लागत प्रभावी विकल्प प्रदान करते

क्या जेनरिक दवाएं ब्रांड नाम वाली दवाओं जितनी ही सुरक्षित हैं? Read More »

Difference Between Generic and Branded Medicine

Difference Between Generic and Branded Medicine -In pharmaceuticals, generic and branded medicines stand out, offering varied treatment options. While effective, they diverge in composition, development, pricing, and market presence. Understanding these differences empowers both healthcare professionals and consumers to make informed treatment decisions. Generic Medicine vs Branded Medicine Branded medicines, also known as innovator or

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Are Generic Medicines as Safe as Brand Name Drugs?

Are Generic Medicines as Safe as Brand Name Drugs: Generic medicines are pharmaceutical products designed to be nearly identical to brand-name drugs in terms of their active ingredients, dosage form, strength, route of administration, and intended use. They offer a cost-effective alternative to the more expensive brand-name medications while maintaining the same therapeutic effects and

Are Generic Medicines as Safe as Brand Name Drugs? Read More »

जेनरिक दवाओं की क्वालिटी के बारे में धारणा भारत में एक मुद्दा है?

भारत में मरीज अक्सर निर्धारित महंगी, ब्रांडेड दवाई लेने और उन्हें नियमित रूप से खरीदने के दुष्ट चक्र में फंस जाते हैं। यह डायबिटीज़, ब्लड प्रेशर, कोलेस्ट्रॉल, आदि के लिए नियमित दवा लेने वाले मरीजों के लिए सच है। अक्सर ये ब्रांडेड दवाई (जो महंगी होती हैं) नियमित रूप से खरीदी जाती हैं। भारत में

जेनरिक दवाओं की क्वालिटी के बारे में धारणा भारत में एक मुद्दा है? Read More »

Quality by Design (Qbd) For Generic Products: Opportunities and Challenges

Quality by Design For Generic Products Science and innovation often introduce new concepts and ideas into the actual world. While many pharmaceutical businesses have that as their primary goal, many drug development programmes need to catch up regarding the formulation, engineering, and manufacturing of new drugs. This also opens the market for popular generic medicines to

Quality by Design (Qbd) For Generic Products: Opportunities and Challenges Read More »

Why should you prefer Medkart for generic medicines? | Trusted generics provider

Why should you prefer Medkart for generic medicines? When was the last time you remember having a detailed conversation about medicines at the pharmacy store?  No one does that because buying medicines in India is no less than a transaction. Buyers go with prescription without reading it much and pharma store owners sell the medicines

Why should you prefer Medkart for generic medicines? | Trusted generics provider Read More »

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