Author name: Ankur Agarwal

Ankur Agarwal, the founder of Medkart, brings innovation and expertise to the healthcare industry. Passionate about integrating technology to enhance healthcare, he shares his insights and updates through his blogs

Healthy Diet and Exercise for improving health of Asthma patient

​Understanding Asthma Millions of individuals throughout the world suffer with asthma, a chronic respiratory disease. It is characterised by episodes of coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, caused by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. Asthma can be a debilitating condition, impacting daily life and overall quality of life for those who suffer from it.

Healthy Diet and Exercise for improving health of Asthma patient Read More »

ADHD in Children – Types, Symptoms, Treatment

Globally, a large number of youngsters suffer with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. To properly assist and treat children with ADHD, parents and clinicians must have a thorough grasp of the disorder. By guiding you through its forms, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and management measures, this blog article seeks to shed light on the numerous facets

ADHD in Children – Types, Symptoms, Treatment Read More »

What is good cholesterol? | HDL cholesterol range for Male and Female

About cholesterol Numerous compounds present in food perform various functions for your body. One of those is called cholesterol, which is a greasy component. It is also produced by your liver and is essential for your body’s functions. The increase in cholesterol beyond normal levels leads to heart-related disease. The body’s cholesterol level is assessed

What is good cholesterol? | HDL cholesterol range for Male and Female Read More »

जेनरिक दवाओं की क्वालिटी के बारे में धारणा भारत में एक मुद्दा है?

भारत में मरीज अक्सर निर्धारित महंगी, ब्रांडेड दवाई लेने और उन्हें नियमित रूप से खरीदने के दुष्ट चक्र में फंस जाते हैं। यह डायबिटीज़, ब्लड प्रेशर, कोलेस्ट्रॉल, आदि के लिए नियमित दवा लेने वाले मरीजों के लिए सच है। अक्सर ये ब्रांडेड दवाई (जो महंगी होती हैं) नियमित रूप से खरीदी जाती हैं। भारत में

जेनरिक दवाओं की क्वालिटी के बारे में धारणा भारत में एक मुद्दा है? Read More »

જીવનશૈલીમાં ફેરફાર દ્વારા થાઇરોઇડ વિકૃતિઓનું સંચાલન કરી શકાય છે

થાઇરોઇડ વિકૃતિઓ સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં પ્રચલિત છે. તેઓ તમામ અંતઃસ્ત્રાવી પરિસ્થિતિઓનો નોંધપાત્ર ભાગ બનાવે છે. સંશોધન કહે છે કે થાઇરોઇડ રોગો ભારતમાં લગભગ 42 મિલિયન લોકોને અસર કરે છે. થાઇરોઇડ-સંબંધિત સ્વાસ્થ્ય સ્થિતિના સામાન્ય કારણો છે – જીવનશૈલી, આહાર, ખાવાની ટેવ, તણાવ, આયોડિનની ઉણપ, સ્વયંપ્રતિરક્ષા રોગો વગેરે. ​અભ્યાસો સૂચવે છે કે જીવનશૈલીમાં ફેરફાર કરવો, જેમ કે તંદુરસ્ત

જીવનશૈલીમાં ફેરફાર દ્વારા થાઇરોઇડ વિકૃતિઓનું સંચાલન કરી શકાય છે Read More »

The Differences Between Good and Bad Cholesterol | HDL vs LDL

About Cholesterol ( HDL and LDL) Are you confused about good and bad cholesterol? You’re not alone. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all cells of the body, and it’s essential for many bodily functions. You might have heard how having high levels of cholesterol can cause heart disease, but this isn’t

The Differences Between Good and Bad Cholesterol | HDL vs LDL Read More »

Patients should have the right to choose their medicine brands |Choose Generic

Does your doctor follow the Ethics of MCI (Medical Council of India), and write the generic name of drugs and not Brand names on the prescription?  99% of practicing doctors write brand names in illegible handwriting which is in clear violation of the code. On May 13, 2016, the Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB) of

Patients should have the right to choose their medicine brands |Choose Generic Read More »

Quality by Design (Qbd) For Generic Products: Opportunities and Challenges

Quality by Design For Generic Products Science and innovation often introduce new concepts and ideas into the actual world. While many pharmaceutical businesses have that as their primary goal, many drug development programmes need to catch up regarding the formulation, engineering, and manufacturing of new drugs. This also opens the market for popular generic medicines to

Quality by Design (Qbd) For Generic Products: Opportunities and Challenges Read More »

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