Last updated on October 15th, 2024 at 06:33 pm
What is Autism spectrum disorder?
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior. While there is no single cause of autism, differences in the brain cause it. It’s symptoms are difficulty with social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and repetitive behaviors. It is a spectrum disorder, meaning that the effects of autism can range from mild to severe.
The ability to socialize and communicate and the development of many other fundamental abilities are all delayed in people with Autism spectrum conditions. Autism is an anonymous form of a pervasive development disorder considered part of the Autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Understanding Autism spectrum disorder
The term “spectrum” refers to a continuum of Autism spectrum disorder symptoms. With varying degrees of support, some persons with the illness can do well in conventional schools, hold careers, and carry out daily tasks. Others suffer from serious intellectual disabilities and will require constant care and support.
Autism spectrum disorder is a heterogeneous disorder (one having several root causes) where patients demonstrate certain repetitive behaviours and challenges with social interaction and communication are often used to describe the condition.
Children with Autism do not meet developmental milestones like crawling, walking, or pronouncing the first word on schedule compared to typically developing children. Children with Autism do not have a lower IQ or are sluggish learners.
Instead, they are special kids who struggle with social connection and communication. They frequently give the impression that people are stuck in constrained and repeated behavioural patterns. The symptoms of Autism vary from person to person.
Autism spectrum disorder symptoms
- Not making the customary pointing or chattering sounds that babies make.
- Avoiding eye contact since early childhood.
- Playing with or engaging with classmates is difficult.
- Discussing feelings is difficult.
- Loss of social or verbal abilities that were previously acquired, typically around the second year of life.
- Strange reactions to sensory input.
It’s crucial to remember that individuals may experience mild, moderate, or severe symptoms because it is a spectrum disorder. Some people may have many symptoms, though they may just be mildly felt.
In certain instances, patients may only have a few symptoms in crucial regions, yet those symptoms cause serious impairments.
Mild autistic symptoms often don’t come in the way of a person’s ability to go about everyday life. Still, they can increase the risk of other mental health difficulties like excessive stress, obsessive behaviours, sensory problems, anxiety, and depression.
Autism can affect people from various socioeconomic backgrounds and racial and ethnic groups and is typically diagnosed in children.
Types of Autism spectrum disorder
A person’s functional level will be determined along with their Autism diagnosis. The 3 degrees of Autism spectrum disorder are as follows:
Level 1 – high functioning
This type of person may struggle with limiting behaviours and social interactions. Typically, they require little assistance to go about their normal lives.
Level 2 – moderately severe
More assistance is required for those with Level 2 Autism spectrum conditions. Their social challenges are obvious; they might have communication issues and need help controlling troublesome actions.
Level 3 – severe
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Level 3 symptoms affect a person’s capacity to live and work independently. This degree of Autism is characterized by repetitive or restricting activities, difficulty with change, difficulty speaking, and sensitivity to sensory stimulation.
Diagnosing Autism spectrum disorder
The typical age of diagnosis for ASD is about 4.5 years, although it can be detected as early as fifteen to eighteen months of age in some cases. But, that is not ideal because early intervention depends on the fast diagnosis. People with Autism spectrum disorder can experience significant improvements in their outcomes with intense early intervention. Don’t delay testing if your younger ones exhibit symptoms of the disease.
The neurodevelopmental disease known as Autism spectrum disorder is believed to have a significant hereditary component. However, at this time, Autism spectrum disorder cannot be diagnosed through medical procedures like blood tests or brain scans. Instead, medical professionals diagnose based on the patient’s past and current behaviour.
This diagnosis can be made by various professionals, such as psychologists, pediatricians, and neurologists. The diagnosis process frequently involves the involvement of psychologists, notably neuropsychologists, who specialize in the interaction between the brain and human cognitive, behavioural, and emotional functioning. The specialist making the diagnosis needs to have a lot of expertise in dealing with the vast range of symptoms connected to ASD.
Treatment of spectrum disorder
Children with ASD benefit from interdisciplinary treatment teams composed of specialists from several professions, given the complicated nature of the disorder. In addition to psychologists, these teams frequently include doctors, teachers, speech therapists, and occupational therapists. Many treatments for chronic ailments in children are easily accessible these days. This often involves taking medicines, getting therapies, and other activities for special kids. Since patients require frequent and regular medicines, it only makes sense to opt for generic medicines for autism. It saves money, they are equally effective, and they are easily available.
1) Applied behaviour therapy
ABA is a methodology that uses evidence-based teaching strategies to increase positive behaviours and decrease negative or learning-impairing behaviours. It has been demonstrated that ABA therapy enhances social, communication, and occupational abilities.
2) Sensory integration therapy
During this process, children are exposed to their senses, such as rolling, swinging, jumping, and spinning. Specialized therapists who have received training in these techniques carry out this.
3) Music therapy
Music is used in this therapy, including singing, playing instruments, and dancing to the beat. As play is encouraged and nonverbal interactions are used to enhance socialization, this benefits children with developmental difficulties.
4) Lovass method
Ivar Lovaas, Ph.D., of the UCLA Clinic for the Behavioral Treatment of Children, created the Lovaas approach. This type of behaviour modification therapy helps certain kids. About 40 hours per week of one-on-one conversations are necessary for this. It teaches abilities in a controlled, step-by-step manner and is called discrete trial teaching (DTT).
5) TEACCH Autism Program
The TEACCH framework uses tactics focused on the learning strengths and challenges of people with Autism spectrum disorder to increase activity engagement, flexibility, independence, and self-efficacy.
6) Developmental individual-difference relationship-based model
In the DIR paradigm, commonly referred to as floortime treatment, parents and therapists play with the kid while encouraging them to engage in increasingly sophisticated interactions.
It’s crucial to get your child assessed by a healthcare professional skilled in identifying and treating Autism so that they can suggest the best interventions. Psychologists, teachers, and board-certified behaviour analysts can all deliver these interventions.
Additionally, psychologists are crucial in assisting adults and children with ASD to manage the disorder’s unique issues.
7) Appointment with psychologist
When diagnosing Autism spectrum disorder or seeing a patient with ASD for the first time, psychologists commonly perform a thorough evaluation. This assessment serves as a therapy plan by highlighting the patient’s assets and impoverished areas.
Every person living with Autism spectrum disorder is unique and has a variety of strengths and struggles. Psychologists might offer recommendations based on a person’s cognitive, behavioural, emotional, and academic needs. These treatment strategies can assist ABA therapists, educators, and others in building on the person’s assets and addressing any issues.
The symptoms of Autism spectrum disorder persist for a lifetime. Autism cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be managed with early intervention and appropriate therapies. Early detection and intervention are essential in helping children with autism reach their potential. With appropriate therapies, people with autism can learn to interact with others, communicate effectively, and manage their behavior.
Families of individuals with autism often face difficulties due to the unique challenges associated with the condition. Many parents feel overwhelmed by the demands of caring for a child with autism and may feel isolated from their peers who do not have an autistic child. Families also face financial strain due to the costs associated with therapies and medical care.
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As their patients mature, psychologists develop new treatment strategies to support them and their families through significant life transitions like starting school, adolescence, or adulthood.
Medkart provides generic medicines for Autism spectrum disorder
Medkart offers a wide variety of generic medicines for chronic diseases, including Autism. Bring down the cost of treating Autism with generic medicines that are easily available through Medkart in the following ways —
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