Last updated on October 16th, 2024 at 03:33 pm
Rules for Diabetic patients for Healthy life
Diabetes is a life-long and lethal disease that affects millions and millions of people throughout the country. In this 21st century, the indulgence of a digital and sedentary lifestyle has made this disease a part of human life. Most people believe that sugar is the only key reason for uncontrolled diabetes; if you say no to sugar, then you will get rid of this silent killer. However, it is not just about sugar. Many people say I don’t eat sugar still; my diabetes is not under control. But there are some rules which one has to follow if he/she has diabetes. Except for less sugar, many factors are there, which controls insulin levels in the human body, especially diabetic patients.
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Rules that shout not be broken:
1. Never skip meals, especially breakfast:
Skipping a meal is always dangerous for diabetes people as it disturbs the sugar level and makes a person hypoglycemic (low sugar level), especially when you are on insulin. This causes fatigue, dizziness, unconscious state, or blackout sometimes. So keeping sugar at the optimal level is very important.
Have breakfast like a king. Breakfast is the first meal most people consume in a day. Skipping it has a significant role in all-day blood sugar spikes because it creates insulin resistance. This means when you eat food next time, your body will generate more insulin to control sugar. So, diabetic patients should not skip any meals, especially breakfast, as it regulates blood sugar levels. Have meals at regular intervals without skipping it.
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2. Maintain timing and type of food:
The best way to regulate blood sugar levels in diabetic patients is by maintaining the type and time of food they take. When the daily meal routine is followed, blood sugar levels are better controlled. Every diabetic patient knows that he should not eat foods that have plain fat or carbohydrate or sugar. However, many of us don’t know that basic biscuit also contains these risky ingredients.
• Eat food at the same time daily; it will help to keep blood sugar on the same level.
• Instead of 2 or 3 meals, eat six meals a day. Many researches suggests that incorporating a six-meal pattern in daily lives is helpful instead of instead of three-meal. One need to ensure that the overall calories intact remain the same. It helps improving blood sugar control and plummets the hunger amongst those who are obese or having prediabetes and full-blown diabetes.
• Do not eat processed, canned or sweet food.
• Check to the label of every food packet though it claims best for diabetes. Sometimes simple cookie can have ingredients which can risk your life.
• Incorporate fruits and green leafy vegetables.
• Some sites show recipes for diabetic patients but eating any such food, inform your doctors about your diet.
3. Don’t change or skip medicine time:
Ant diabetic drugs are one of the key components of blood sugar management. So it is essential to take medication as per prescribed dosage and time. Most of the diabetic medicines are timed release, so it is necessary to take it on schedule. For example, if it is prescribed before a meal that means it will enhance insulin production to digest ingested sugar. If you change the time, then it will not reduce sugar and create complications. The dose and timing determined by your health professional will keep blood glucose level within range. So never change time intentionally. Try not to skip the medicine.
• Make a pillbox.
• Set a schedule so that it will become a habit, and you won’t forget it frequently.
• Set reminders for medicines Keep medicine on the food table as it will remind you before or after a meal.
4. Never walk bare foot:
The foot is the most ignorant part of the human body. No one generally cares for the foot. We often get foot injuries while walking. But diabetes patients cannot be neglected in their cases as they are more prone to infections. A small cut or wound takes time to heal and sometimes creates ulcer, which ultimately converts into gangrene due to high sugar level and lastly ends up in foot amputation. So for them, it is advisable not to walk barefoot even in the house. Diabetic people are more into foot surgery. So certain precautions should be taken.
• Always wear footwear even in indoors.
• Don’t step out on beach / in hot sand without protection don’t keep your foot wet.
• Dry foot properly and moisturize. Excessive dryness can lead to the problem too.
• Take care while trimming your nails.
• Check your feet daily; if a cut, cracked skin, wound, or ulcer, you suspect then immediately consult your doctor
5. Exercise regularly and stay away from stress:
Physical activity is helpful to everyone. It keeps sugar at an optimal level and manages weight. Diabetic patients should incorporate exercise in a daily routine that not only controls insulin level but weight too. Also, it provides you more energy and regulates stress hormones.
• Exercise daily for 30-40 min. or thrice a week is good enough.
• Walking, swimming, dancing also helps a lot. Playing sports at a small or big level improves overall health.
• Do yoga and Pranayama for stress management. As stress also plays a significant role as it directly affects glucose levels.
However, specific rules are here to follow. Don’t do exercise at night as it could lower sugar while sleeping. Also, avoid exercising at an empty stomach. If you are on insulin, then schedule the time accordingly.
Before you start any exercise, consult your doctor first, as certain activities are not recommended for diabetic people.
Wrapping up,
Diabetes brings responsible living. So by taking care of all rules mentioned above and doctors’ advice will help one a lot in controlling this disease. So, don’t forget five important facts – Eating healthy and small frequent meals, daily exercise, stress management, scheduling meal and medicine time, take care of the foot, and most importantly, don’t skip breakfast.